STAY PUT™ Slip Resistant Surface Protector


Padded floor protection with a slip resistant tacky backing great for high-end hardwood floors, vinyl, tile, marble and stairs. The Stay Put™ Surface Protector is breathable to allow surfaces to continue curing, yet waterproof to block spills from the surface. It’s even re-positional and reusable, with no risk of residue being left on the surface. Come explore another popular construction floor protection product.


  • Easily adheres to surface + breathable
  • Slip resistant backing that leaves no residue
  • Waterproof: Protects from water, mud + paint
  • Re-positional, reusable + impact resistant
Item code Description Outer Pack Size
89124 Surface Protector 1 600mm x 30M
89165 Surface Protector 1 1M x 16M
89150 Surface Protector 1 1M x 50M

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